
Monday, January 9, 2012

Weigh In

Happy Monday!  Well as I said before I really messed up over the holidays.  I am ashamed to admit it but when I weighed in on January 2nd. I had gained back 7 pounds! Wow seven pounds in about two weeks? I was really disappointed in myself.  Well I am happy to say last week I followed my eating schedule and when I weighed in on Saturday I lost 5 of the 7 pounds I packed back on my rear.  If I could manage to do a repeat this week I would be on cloud nine. Isn't crazy how long it takes to lose the weight but you can gain it back in an instant. It happens, but I will not give up. 


  1. I had gained back 6lbs during the holidays.. it really DOES come back way easier than it comes off. Which is why we need to stick to it and remember that its harder to get it off when we want to over indulge :)

  2. I feel ya, I gained about 7 and got it back off. Ot stinks. I felt so bad physically eating all that crap. Ugh, don't know why we do this to ourselves.

  3. Great job getting back to it. :)

  4. I think we all gained over the holidays and Im sure you probably didn't gain that much probably just water weight, carb over load or too much sodium. Good job on kick this past weeks tush!

  5. You're already 90% of the way there! I tell you, I think taking carb blockers over the holiday helped me from packing on the pounds.

  6. Good job on shedding the weight you gained! You're soooo back on track! Fantastic :D Now, I want to see that number for myself next week :p

  7. It really is discouraging how easily we put it back on.. Oy. Awesome job getting it back off!
